We highly recommend that all visitors to Papua New Guinea check current visa requirements and most up to date advices with their local foreign mission in advance of arrival, as PNG Immigration rulings are subject to change without notice. We do recommend that all travellers obtain a visa in advance of arrival. For a list of locations, please visit the PNG Immigration web site.
Tourist Visas for Australian Citizens are no longer available on arrival in Papua New Guinea.
A 60 day tourist visa is required for all Australian passport holders and must be obtained prior to departure from a PNG consulate in Sydney, Brisbane or Canberra. It usually takes 2-3 days to receive visa documentation once the application, payment and supporting documents are received.
For procedures please refer to: www.pngcanberra.org
How to apply for a PNG visa?
Complete and sign the correct application form (http://www.pngcanberra.org/pdf/application.PDF)
Attach one passport size photograph (for APEC Business Applications and Permanent Resident Application please provide two photos)
Provide any other documentary information as requested (refer to the appropriate entry category)
Send or deliver your application to the nearest Papua New Guinea diplomatic mission together with your valid passport.
Your passport must be valid for at least six months from the date of intended travel.
Where to apply?
Your application form, passport and supporting documents should be lodged at one of the following Australian Locations:
Papua New Guinea High Commission 39-41 Forster Crescent Yarralumla ACT 2600 P O Box E6317 Kingston, ACT 2604
Tel: (05 612) 6273 3322 Fax: (05 612) 6273 3732 Email: kundu@pngcanberra.org Business Hours: 09:00 – 17:00
Papua New Guinea Consulate General 320 Adelaide Street Christie Centre, Level 11/Suite 8 GPO Box 220 Brisbane QLD 4001
Tel: (05 617) 3221 7915 / 3221 8064 (Visa) Fax: (05 617) 3229 6084 Email: pngcg@kundubne.org
Papua New Guinea Consulate General Level 2, 222 Clarence Street Sydney, NSW 2000 P O Box A2273 Sydney South, NSW 123
Tel: (02) 92839020/(02) 92832070 Fax: (02) 92835424 Email: pngcg@kundusyd.org
All Tourist Visas must be lodged to the Papua New Guinea Immigration and Citizenship Division at least one month prior to departure.
Fees: There is no charge for a 60 day tourist visa to PNG when applied for in Australia